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Threatened Species Day

Today, Friday 7th September, is National Threatened Species Day, a day that’s especially important to our Advitech Environmental division. As environmental scientists and ecologists, we manage impacts on ecologically endangered communities.  Saving threatened species is critical for a healthy and diverse environment.

Threatened Species Day was declared in 1996 to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the death of the last remaining Tasmanian Tiger (thylacine) at Hobart Zoo in 1936. Threatened Species Day is an opportunity to increase the awareness of local threatened species, to reflect on how we can protect them from extinction and to celebrate the amazing work that is being done by conservationists, researchers, volunteers and community experts.

The Red-Crowned Toadlet (Pseudophryne australis) is just one of many species listed as vulnerable under the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Act and the Federal EPBC Act. This particular critter was found by one of our ecologists south of Newcastle, when surveying habitat as part of a biodiversity impact assessment (BIA). Another threatened species recently surveyed by our ecologist in the Newcastle Local Government Area is Black-eyed Susan (Tetratheca juncear).

At Advitech Environmental, we are passionate about balancing environmental impacts with business goals. Through surveying and mapping habitats, we can ensure unregulated land clearing does not impact at risk species, like the Red-Crowned Toadlet.

To find out more about how you can get involved in saving our endangered species, download.
