Advitech provides operational, process, project, business and financial risk assessment facilitation as well as chemical and hazard risk management planning, implementation, training and compliance audits.
Our team of TÜV certified Functional Safety Engineers are highly experienced in the assessment of industrial and mining processes and the application of hazard and operability studies (HAZOP), control systems hazard and operability studies (CHAZOP), preliminary hazard analysis (PHA) and failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA).
Our engineers work within the framework of international standards for Risk Management (AS/NZS ISO 3100:2009 and AS 61508:2011), Process Risk (IEC 60079 series) and other relevant standards (AS/NZS 4761:2008, AS 1940), plus WHS regulations. Our personnel refer to case studies, international publications, and industry-wide data, and consult with regulators and other authorities for confirmation of safety information and risk data.
We identify potential hazard interactions between operating process systems and evaluate scenario outcomes that will help define higher levels of safety, environmental protection and improved mitigation or response strategies.