Advitech’s mechanical, process and risk engineering teams have the cross-functional capability to provide complete pre-design support for the development of your ISO 80079 compliant equipment. We can facilitate ignition hazard assessments, act as independent technical advisors, and develop the documentation required for your IECEx certification and associated quality management system audits (i.e. Quality Assessment Report (QAR)).
The ISO/IEC 80079-36 standard was issued in 2016 and represents state-of-the-art for the basic methods and requirements for design, construction, testing and marking of non-electrical Ex equipment intended for use in explosive atmospheres. Intended to compliment the general requirements of IEC 60079-0 (Electrical Equipment for Explosive Atmospheres), it provides a methodology for identifying potential ignition sources (ignition hazard assessment) and techniques for managing these sources appropriately (protection techniques described in ISO 80079-37).