Advitech’s project management services are underpinned by the strong engineering and technical skills within our team of mechanical, civil, structural and chemical engineers. We have the capability and flexibility to provide technical and functional support for any part of a project, in addition to the full project management function.
Strategic Engineering Support
Engineering and technical support for your projects
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Project Examples

- Concept designs and capital expenditure estimates for surface infrastructure upgrades to improve production at a 1.2m tonnes per annum (mtpa) coal mine.
- Feasibility study for the replacement of run-of-mine coal conveyors at a 3.5mtpa coal preparation plant.
- Determination of requirements and capital cost estimating for a dedicated spares storage facility.
- Engineering assessment and system review of a colliery operation to determine the causes of insufficient production during night shifts, including recommendation of cost-effective engineering solutions and subsequent implementation of improvements.